How does Batman, being a normal human with no superpowers, break the gun of one of the fake Batmans?
Batman uses some sort of hydraulic hand device to snap the gun. If you listen, you can hear a mechanical noise as Batman bends the barrel of the gun. He also uses this same device on Scarecrow's van. He tries to rip a hole in the side in an attempt to apprehend the villain. After the device jams, Batman is slammed into a wall and Scarecrow almost escapes. Batman then jumps onto his van from a few stories up, and crushes it. He captures and ties up the Scarecrow, his henchmen, and the fake Batmen. This is the only time we see this device used, as he gets a new suit shortly after.
蝙蝠俠又沒有超能力 他要怎麼徒手折彎槍管?
Why is the Mayor of Gotham City wearing eyeliner?
He's not. Nestor Carbonell, who plays the mayor, looks like that naturally.
What was the purpose of each step in the bullet/fingerprint analysis? And who is Melvin White?
Step by step:
1. Batman takes a piece of concrete containing all the pieces of the shattered bullet since that is what he will need at the end.
2. The gunshots were to test different bullet types in hopes of finding what type of bullet was used by (a) matching the hole size made in the concrete and (b) matching the wave patterns between the two blocks of concrete through sonar.
3. Once the bullet type was determined, Fox's new type of sonar imaging was used in visualizing the bullet fragments and allowing them to be recombined to match the known bullet type. (a) Why the image could be gathered at the new Batcave but only be pieced together at Wayne Enterprises is unclear. (b) It is a plot point which allows the sonar device to resonate an image of a fingerprint since the oil found on someone's skin would not be picked up that easily (or clearly) by a soundwave.
4. The fingerprint is matched to all possible suspects who have their fingerprints on file.
5. Of the four, the one they chose (Melvin White) had a known address which was on the procession route for the funeral march.
Melvin White, at the time of discovery, is assumed to be the real name of the Joker (since Wayne thinks that the Joker is the one who loaded the bullet), but White turns out to only be one of the Joker's assassins. Wayne goes to White's apartment, where the Joker has set up the trap.
It is unclear how the Joker would know that Batman would a) take over a crime scene from police in order to collect evidence, b) specifically focus on a bullet, c) somehow have the technology to recombine a representation of the bullet and the fingerprint on it, d) know that of the four fingerprints found, the one belonging to Melvin White would be the one presumed to be him, and e) have the discovery of the apartment so perfectly timed that Batman would enter the apartment at the exact time a certain timer would go off. It's possible that Batman's discovery of the apartment was not part of the Joker's plan, since Batman would have thwarted the assassination plot if he had discovered the hostages sooner. It appears that Batman discovers the apartment too late and simply arrives in time to witness the chain of events set in motion by the Joker.
Does Lucius resign after the cell phone ordeal?
Most likely no. When he types in his name and the machine starts to fry itself, he nods with satisfaction that the machine is being destroyed. He says, "As long as this machine is at Wayne Enterprises, I won't be." Therefore, since the machine is destroyed, we can assume he is planning to stick around. After all, where would Batman get those wonderful toys if not from Fox?
What hope do fans have that Two-Face will be brought back for the third film?
1) The coin Two-Face flips in the air (to determine the fate of Gordon's son) lands on the "good" side after his fall.
2) Gordon and Batman never explicitly state that Two-Face is dead. Even Gordon says "Whatever chance you gave us of saving the city dies with Harvey's reputation.." Which is only saying that Dent's reputation has been destroyed and not Dent himself.
3) Two-Face falls the same distance Maroni fell when he told Batman that a fall from that distance isn't likely to kill a man.
4) Gordon has already covered up Dent's murders and his escape from the hospital. These cover-ups could foreshadow the even bigger cover-up of Dent's supposed death.
5) At some point, it is believed, to get back into the good graces of the majority of the city, Batman needs to be cleared of his crimes, and the only one who can effectively clear him is Dent.
1.丹特掉下去的時候 那一枚硬幣落地時 是善良的那一面朝上
2.高登和蝙蝠俠 都沒有明確地說丹特 也就是雙面人 已經死了
3.丹特摔下去的距離 和馬龍尼摔下去的距離差不多 並且馬龍尼有說"這個距離摔不死人"
4.高登已經遮掩了丹特的逃亡與殺人 這可能是他要遮掩丹特其實沒有死的前兆
5.最後 蝙蝠俠總要洗脫罪名 而唯一能幫他洗脫罪名的只有丹特
Are there any indications of a Director's Cut DVD?
Nothing at the moment, although there were many scenes cut, as evidenced by various trailers and T.V. spots. Also, knowing Nolan and his attention to detail, it would be highly likely we will either see those scenes on a special cut, or in the special features